Saturday, May 7, 2011

First beans

Aren't they beautiful?!  Clockwise from the green ones (Black Valentine), then the purple ones (Royal Burgundy) and lastly the red ones (Red Swan).

We ate the Black Valentines tonight, steamed with bacon, and man are they wonderful.  Sweet and tender.  They really were stringless, too ~ even the more mature ones.  I think they're the top ones so far in the Year of the Bean race.

Update: I boiled up the Red Swan the next night, but got suddenly tired before we ate them, and George forgot to put them up.  So no review of them yet.

1 comment:

  1. I will be eagerly awaiting your final YotB report. I'm hoping one of the red ones is a contender because it has to be easier to find red beans than green ones when you have 10' of vines on a 5' trellis.


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