I woke up that morning with a scratchy throat and feeling worn down, but I thought it was just allergies. I doped myself up and went at it. I spent half a day Tuesday and all day Wednesday getting stuff done! Then spent all day Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the couch. Ugh.
~*~ Artichokes ~*~
The artichokes are doing wonderful. Big and gorgeous and just beginning to bloom. This will keep up for quite a while yet - a couple or three months? I honestly don't remember how long. I told myself last year I'd remember the asparagus, so for future reference: The asparagus started in February and is just now winding down. I'll have to keep an eye on the artichokes and note when they quit, too.
However long they bloom, it's a good while. Last year I got so many artichokes that I couldn't eat them all. Good thing Rhonda's here now. She loves them.
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Green Globe, four year old clump |
And when she's sick of them, if she gets sick of them, I'll let them bloom so they'll be trap plants for leaf footed bugs. For some reason, they love the blooms. I love that it makes for easy pickings with the vacuum.
My artichokes didn't start out so wonderful. I planted my first little bare root start in some dirt I hadn't worked, still all hard and unamended. It slunked along, small and puny, even getting itself accidentally run over with the tiller, 'til I moved it to a seriously worked and amended bed four years ago along with four new sisters. I took a pup from one side of it and planted that as well, so that made six plants in all. The four sisters were seedlings, and the two others were the same as bare root, and I haven't noticed any difference in them except the original bare rooted one is bigger, probably because it's a year older and situated in the middle where it gets more "living mulchness" from the other two maybe?
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Violetto, planted last year |
Since then they have all split so many times I have six huge clumps now, each consisting of three to five plants. Artichokes grow in winter, bloom about now in early spring, then go dormant during the heat of summer when you'll see nothing above ground. Once temps cool down, about October, they sprout again. The "mother plant" doesn't come back, but multiple "pups" or sprouts around it pop up to take her place. Like agaves.
About a month ago, I fertilized them for the first time in a couple years, side-dressed them with a thick layer of compost, and mulched them heavily with pine bark. I think they like it. In years past I still got lots of buds without the fertilizer, but I think they are bigger since I did.
~*~ Beans ~*~
I love green beans. Big ones, little ones, purple ones, yellow ones - I love them all. I tend to plant bush beans since they are like indeterminate tomatoes - they grow quickly, produce a LOT in a few flushes, then are done before the heat sets in.
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Royal Burgundy, Slenderette, Rolande, Kitchen King, Cherokee Wax, and Grandma Nellie's Mushroom |
I planted seven types of bush beans this year, and fit them all into one 4'x12' bed. I defined each patch's borders with bamboo stakes and string, further dividing them by color, putting a purple variety in between two green ones, so I can be sure which is which. This will be important later if I have a yummy super producer - since they're separated, I can be sure which one it is and exactly how much it really produced.
When I plant a whole bunch of a type I know I like, I'm less careful about it, mostly just scattering them across the bed so they land a few inches apart, poke them in where they fall, and call it good. When I do a trial like this, I'm more deliberate, spacing each seed about six inches apart, to give a more equal footing for all the varieties. And remember one of those "rules", or guidelines, for planting seeds - plant them twice as deep as the seed is big. I poked mine down about half an inch, then drag my fingers over the area to cover.
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Six days later - Sprouts! |
You don't need to fertilize beans much. They're legumes, so fix their own nitrogen in the soil. Bonus! They make little nitrogen nodules on their roots. Keep that in mind when you're clearing out the bean bed later. Don't pull the plants up since you'll be pulling the roots out, too, and that's where the nitrogen is. Cut them off at ground level and leave those roots to rot in peace.
~*~ Leeks ~*~
When I buy leek seedlings, I only buy pots with many plants in them. Yeah, they're usually much smaller than the ones with only one seedling in the pot, but it pays off later. When I get them home, I plant them just as they were in the pot, all together, and let them get some size on them. The ones I planted Tuesday I've collected and planted over the winter every few months as I saw the pots with tons in them come in (oh, the benefits of working at a garden center).
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That yellow stuff on the bottom left is Come & Get It ant bait. %&$*#@! fire ants. |
Some months later, when all the plants in the clump are bigger than a pencil, I dig them up and separate to plant out individually so they grow to their full potential. That's what I did Tuesday. Just dig them up, knock the dirt off, and pull apart.
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Firming the soil back around them |
For a dibble, I have a sort of pointed stick which was a table leg in a former life (so I have three mates to use when this one gives out). A real dibble is just a pointed tool used to poke a hole in the soil. I poke a deep hole in the soil with my dibble stick, six or more inches down, and drop one leek into each hole, firming the soil around them by pushing sidewaysedly down with my thumb, a kind of diagonal motion that pushes the hole shut around the leek. I think next time I'll try putting some fine compost down the hole and watering it in. Might work better.

As they grow, I keep that mulch on them, adding to it, making it taller as they grow. The white part is the part you want to eat, so planting them so deeply helps that elongate, and the mulch helps that even more later. I also fertilize with something high in nitrogen (the first number), but also something with phosphorous (the second number). Leeks want nitrogen for leaf production since they get bigger the more leaves they have, each leaf adding a layer to the bottom white part. But things in the onion family don't have the greatest of root systems, so I like to give them soft soil and plenty of food for roots so they can grow as many as possible, hence the phosphorous for root production.
I can see many a pot of potato leek soup in my future. And speaking of potatoes...
~*~ Potatoes ~*~
I planted these some months ago, maybe in February? I love Yukon Gold. They always do well for me. This year, I thought I'd try some of the fingerlings. I chose small ones this time, just to see what would happen if I planted them whole.

Most of the advice tells you to dig a deep trench, plant at the bottom, and fill in the trench as the plant grows. That's never done any good for me. I get a longer main "tap" root, but that's about it. The few times I did get more potatoes deeper down on the stem, they were so small and few in number that it wasn't worth the extra digging. I've also tried the "planting in a stack of tires" method - had to drag the stack apart with my truck and a tow chain. All I got was a loooooooong tap root and a few potatoes clustered together in one tire.

Once the plants grow, I add more compost to the top of the previous mulch, about an inch maybe, then more mulch on top of that. I used biodynamic hay for the first layer of mulch this year, thinking once it's topped with compost it would break down easier than the pine straw. And that's a good thing.
And fertilize. Potatoes are tubers which are actually a stem structure, so nitrogen is called for. I also give them phosphorous, since a good root structure equals a good plant. (And, secretly, even if I know the tubers are stems, thus want nitrogen, I just can't kick the thought that they're sort of roots, too, so want phosphorous.)
Pretty pretty potatoes. I should be getting some new potatoes soon, hopefully in about a month, about the time I start getting green beans. Green beans, new potatoes and bacon. Mmmmmmmmm.
~*~ Squash ... and Cukes and Melons ~*~
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Squash seedlings six days after planting |
The seeds are fat little things from whence sprout the stoutest, most vigorous little seedlings that have the most adorable little cotyledons (seed leaves), so cute and fat that every time I see them, I just want to pinch their fat little cheeks.
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Tatume and Spaghetti squash on the trellis. White Egyptian, Golden, & Black Beauty zucchini at the base, along with Early Butternut, Musquee de Provence & Long Island Cheese. |
For here, I'll just say cover them. Right from the beginning - just cover them. That's what the black shade cloth in the pictures is for - to exclude the moth that lays the eggs that hatch into the borer that kills your plants.
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Melon seedlings. Aren't they cute? |
I've already topped my beds with a layer of compost and activated it with molasses. I also scattered some fertilizer at the same time. Then topped the whole thing with a thick layer of mulch, and water. To plant, simply pull back that mulch on your beds to expose a circle some inches across, loosen the soil a few inches deep and all across, work in some more compost if you want, plant three or four seeds an inch apart and no more than half an inch deep, firm the soil and water.
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Sugar Baby watermelons & Charantais cantaloupe |
That's it. Really. Like I said, stupid easy. Now you just wait for them to sprout, ooh and aah over the babies that will appear shortly, and pinch some cheeks. This year it was six days between planting and baby pictures, despite half of those days being cool and overcast. They're fast! I'm an instant gratification kind of girl, so that's probably why I like planting squash so much.
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A teepee for Mexican Sour Gherkins |
I added some fertilizer when I put the compost on. Since what you want from them are fruit, give them something with a good bit of phosphorous (a high middle number). Phosphorous is fruit food. It's bloom food, too, and since you need blooms to get fruit, that's a good thing. (Eat the extras.)
Winter squashes and cucumbers are vines, so I put them at the bases of trellises. I had fun building the little cuke teepee. I only had two short bamboo poles, so used a loooooong one for the third leg, intending to cut it shorter later. After putting it up, I got an idea to hang a set of prayer flags across the walkway with it. I LOVE cute little happenstances like that.
Come to think of it, that's kind of how my entire garden has evolved. A series of cute little happenstances. And that makes me happy.
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L-R: Melon bed, bean bed, leek bed, squash bed, and two beds of tomatoes. Those weeds on the far right show what all the walkways looked like before I put down the plastic and pine bark. Ooof. |