Friday, June 29, 2012

Garden Update: Now With MOAR Pictures!

Mama Love soaking up some shade.
Early Jalapenos. Just like little Christmas ornaments, all red and green.
 Harvested the garden today.  It's getting hot, up in the hundreds all last week, so the tomatoes are starting to shut down.  I'm amazed that they've hung in this long, being sick and all.  The peppers are kicking ass, though.  Here's a sampling:

Look at that color! Corno di Toro Giallo Pepper.
Long Slim Cayennes, hanging there like little jewels
Joe's Long Red Cayenne. It's a bigun.
Leeks doing well among the asparagus.
Artichoke bloom from the side.  It looks like an alien.
But from the top, it's just pretty.
Spaghetti Squash! Already!  I saw seven without having to hunt for them.
White garlic. The ones on the right are the little cloves I planted along with the big. Next year, I won't bother.
The Cream Cowpeas are producing. Man, that was fast!

Today's harvest, along with the onions I thought I'd bring in.

Nellie taking a break. Gardenin' companionin's hard work.

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