Monday, April 1, 2013

A Day at Work

As I walked in to work today, I thought, "Man, not many people have this lovely of a 'commute'. I should share."  So I will.

I get to walk through a vegetable garden to get to my timeclock...

... past snapdragons and potatoes ...

... and roses and giant metal lizards.

When I got inside, I thought, "Man, not that many people have this lovely of a job.  I should share."
So I will.

Marge, the same Dear Friend who got me the Austin Garden Club gig, manning reception, where I usually am Fridays.  And Bridget, one of The Bestest Bosses Ever, doing dispatch. (Is that sucking up working, Bridge?  If not, I have beer...)

The Info Desk, Dispensary of Garden Knowledge.
I know enough to work behind here because I have killed all the things in all the ways.
That's Leslie over there helping a customer avoid doing the same.

Books, glorious books!  I work with a lady whose name is on the front cover of one of them.

D2 is under the plastic cover to his left.
Helpful Hint: When looking through a microscope, don't get your fingers in the frame. It leads to
obsessive hand washing and moisturizing.

Our own Annetastic, manning the newest register outside.

The Kirkster and Fancy Nancy enjoying her (MASSIVE!) roses.

What I see coming back from break.

Yard Boss Jade hanging out on the loader.
Do you think her tractor's sexy?

Someone on grounds has a sense of humor.

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